Thursday, August 28, 2008

Can Change Happen in an Instant

For as long as i can remember. I've always dreamed of having the ability to help people change virtually anything in their lives. I relalized that to be able to help others change, i had to be able to change myself. I began to persue knowledge through books and tapes that I thought could teach me the fundamentals of how to shif human behavior and emotion.

Of course I wanted to improve certain aspects of my own life: get myself motivated, get myself to follow through and take action, learn how to enjoy life, and learn how to connect and bond with people. I'am not sure why, but somehow I linked pleasure to learning and sharing things that could make a difference in the quality of people's lives and lead them to appreciate and maybe even love me.

As a result, I don't worry about maintaining the quality of my life, because every day i work on improving it. As an integrl part of my personal commitment. at end of each day I ask myself these questions: What have I learned today? What did I contribute or improve? What did i enjoy? If every day you constantly improve your life, then you'll experience it at a level of richness most people never even dream of.


Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Cg Narzuki
Diharapkan pelajar semua lebih bersedia untuk menjawab soalan prinsip perakaunan pada tahun ini. Ini kerana soalan pada tahun ini terdapat sedikit perubahan ekoran daripada Program dua pensijilan yang baru diperkenalkan, iaitu Sijil Kebangsaan dan Sijil Profesional yang telah dibuat MoU dengan ACCA dan LCCI.
Dalam usaha menaiktaraf kelulusan Prinsip Perakaunan SPM ke peringkat lebih profesional, maka beberapa perubahan akan dibuat terhadap soalan pada tahun ini. Di mana GAYA PENYOALAN yang digunakan berlainan sedikit berbanding dengan soalan tahun-tahun lepas. Penilaian dan PEMBERIAN MARKAH juga turut berubah mengikut cara pemarkahan LCCI, di mana penekanan diberikan kepada KEMAHIRAN PERAKAUNAN, seperti kemahiran catatan pelarasan dan pengiraan hendaklah ditunjukkan dalam kertas jawapan.
Semoga usaha menaiktaraf ini, menjadikan Sijil Perakaunan SPM setanding dengan Sijil Profesional Perakaunan lain yang diiktiraf di peringkat antarabangsa.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


1 SBP=========> MATHS P2 07 2. MATHS P1 07

PERAK(2008) ===> 2.BM P2 08 3.SEJ 08

JOHOR (2008) ===> *BM[P1,P2,] *BI [P1,P2,] *SEJ *GEO *KH[TEK] *KH[ERT]

Koleksi Soalan Trial SPM

SBP 2006 Maths P2 SBP 2006 Maths P1


*BM[P1,P2] *BI[P1,P2] SEJ[P1,P2] *PHY[P1,P2,P3] *CMY[P1,P2,P3]

*BIO [P1,P2,P3] *EST[P1,P2]

Monday, August 18, 2008

Lets Shine

hai everyone
On today seminar i discover that the thirst to know about saivisme have just started.(Sathiswaran, Mohan, Punnir, Darshaini, Kumaresan, Ganesh, Priya, Priyadarshini, Uma, Subash) and all my beloved std. let us do more seminar to clear all doubts. lets shine

Topics of Talk

This is the topics that our Sir P.Subramanim plan to cover during his talk today and tomorrow

Hope u enjoy this thought for your Soul

  • கடவுள் யார்?
  • ஒன்றேகுலம் ஒருவேன தேவன்
  • ஒவ்வோர் உயிருக்கும் கடவுளே!
  • மண்ணில் நல்ல வண்ணம் வாழ...
  • மரணம் வரும் வரை வேலை செய் !
  • திருநீ்ற்றின் மகிமை
  • இறைவன் நம்மை அறிவார்
  • உலகிற்கு இறவன் ஒருவனே
  • நீங்கள் தெரிந்து கொள்ள வேண்டியது:
  • முன்னேறிக் கொண்டே இரு!
  • கடவுளுக்கு மட்டுமே சேவை செய்க!
  • எதை நனைக்கிறாயோ அதுவாக ஆகிறாய்!
  • நீங்கள் பாவிகள் அல்ல!
  • ஞான செடிக்கு பயன் உள்ள மத சின்னங்கள்!
  • திருக்குறள் தெளிவுரை

Saturday, August 16, 2008

நன்னெறிக் கருத்தரங்கம்

அன்பர்களே வணக்கம்,

நமது மையத்தில் நன்னெறிக் கருத்தரங்கம் நடைப்பெறவுள்ளது
All students are wellcome at the time agreed earlier

Form 5 & Form 4 Monday 18/8/2008 (2pm till 4pm)
Form 2 & Form 1 Tuesday 19/8/2008 (10 am till 12 noon)
Form 3 Tuesday 19/8/2008 (2pm till 4pm)
நமது ஆசிரியர் திரு. ப. சுப்ரமணியம் நடத்திவைப்பார்

சிறந்த இந்தியர்கள் 1#

Born in 476 CE in Kusumpur ( Bihar ), Aryabhatt's intellectual brilliance remapped the boundaries of mathematics and astronomy. In 499 CE, at the age of 23, he wrote a text on astronomy and an unparallel treatise on mathematics called "Aryabhatiyam." He formulated the process of calculating the motion of planets and the time of eclipses. Aryabhatt was the first to proclaim that the earth is round, it rotates on its axis, orbits the sun and is suspended in space - 1000 years before Copernicus published his heliocentric theory. He is also acknowledged for calculating p (Pi) to four decimal places: 3.1416 and the sine table in trigonometry. Centuries later, in 825 CE, the Arab mathematician, Mohammed Ibna Musa credited the value of Pi to the Indians, "This value has been given by the Hindus." And above all, his most spectacular contribution was the concept of zero without which modern computer technology would have been non-existent. Aryabhatt was a colossus in the field of mathematics.